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The Most Simple State Management Solution for Angular

March 13, 2019

Es könnt' alles so einfach sein, isses aber nicht. - Die Fantastischen Vier State-management in Angular can be a complicated topic. There is an abundance of 3rd party state management libraries: NgRx , ngxs , Akita … to only mention the most popular ones. These libraries are opinionated and have…

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Hosting multiple React applications on the same document

December 02, 2018

One simple/naive approach to break up a big single page application is to split it into different single page applications which then are loaded on the same html document. Unfortunately it is not possible to run several create-react-app applications on the same document., because the JavaScript…

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Angular CLI and Moment.js: A recipe for disaster … and how to fix it.

September 20, 2018

When I wrote about “To use Angular CLI or not?” , I claimed that there was not much risk involved in starting a project with Angular CLI, since ng eject allowed you to change your mind later and jump to a vanilla Webpack setup. This has changed since AngularCLI 6: the eject command is now…

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